
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Rainbow Cupcakes with Cherry Jell-O centers

Ok so just about everyone and their mother has made rainbow cupcakes.  So I figured it was about time I did it as well.  This was a request from someone for their Rainbow Girls group.  What a great idea!  Rainbow Cupcakes for Rainbow Girls!  The twist, however, is in the middle.

That's Jell-O!  Cherry to be precise!  You can of course use any flavor you want since the base cake is vanilla.  The woman who gave me the idea originally mentioned doing cupcakes with Jell-O in another manner - but won't give away my secret here just yet.  Maybe I'll make one the way she originally thought of it later and post it.  This was just simpler for her girls I think though.  The colors came out really nice, I was happy with it.  The icing is a simple confectioner's sugar icing because I stand by my theory that kids prefer the confectioner's over the buttercream.

I decorated the cupcakes with sugared sprinkles in rainbow colors and if you look closely you'll see some gold sugar sprinkles.....afterall....can't have a rainbow without gold!
These MUST stay refrigerated or the Jell-O will "melt".  I hope the girls enjoy them, Christina!


  1. I love these!! such a unique twist on a filling.. I think doing a swirled colored icing would have gone with the rainbow cakes even better than just white, like the ones on my blog:

  2. I would have done the colored swirl but was running out of time :) Thank you!
