
Friday, January 21, 2011

Tres Leches Cupcakes

Three Milks Cupcakes

I am a huge fan of tres leches cake or milk cake. But I wasn't sure how well it would work as a cupcake. I have two mottoes - I can make anything a cupcake and I like to try unique things.

I used a tres leches cake recipe I found and just converted it. These cupcakes are BEST served right away and cold. I LOVE the sweetened condensed milk in the buttercream it came out so nice and that was a shot in the dark. Adding the evaporated and whole milk would have made the butterceam liquidy. And we just can't have that.

I added cinnamon as a sprinkle and you know what? It looks like pepper doesn't it. It's actually a sugar cinnamon mix so will have to work on something else for the topping. Could mix the cinnamon with the evaporated and whole milk and add as a drizzle....heeeeyyy....light bulb just went off!


  1. They sound delish. Everything you do sounds great.
    And is beautiful. <3
    Can u deliver to NY? :) so proud of u :)

    Paula :)
